
  • UGA Extension Viticulture Blog | Grape Spray Program Design Workshops Disease and insect control are critical components of an IPM program for grapes. Vineyard managers ask questions yearly relative how to set up and administer an efficacious program for management of diseases and insects. In these workshops, vineyard managers will be given the skills and…

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  • The Muscadine Grape Production Guide for the Southeast was recently published by NC State Extension. Dr. Mark Hoffmann, NC State Small Fruit Extension Specialist, was the primary author and investigator on the project. There were several collaborators, co-authors, and co-editors from UGA and NC State. The project was funded by the Southern Region Small Fruits…

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  • Thanks to UPL, we now have a Topsin label for pruning wounds in Georgia. Please see the attached approved SLN label for Topsin WSB control of Eutypa Dieback in Grapevines. Note that Botryosphaeria dieback is more prevalent in Georgia, but you will get suppression of Botryosphaeria when you spray for Eutypa dieback. As always, follow…

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  • Agenda: 9:30 Registration 10:00 Disease management considerations for developing a spray program 10:30 Insect management considerations for spray program development 11:00 Group work 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Group work 2:00 Group presentations 3:00 Wrap up and final questions with experts   Workshop dates, registration contacts and locations are below (maximum of 20 participants per location, so…

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  • Vinifera and Hybrids: https://grapes.ces.ncsu.edu/resources-muscadine/bunch-grapes/ Muscadines: https://grapes.ces.ncsu.edu/resources-muscadine/muscadines/ Please spread the word. Mark

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  • The following message is from Brooke Warres, a graduate student in the University of Georgia Plant Pathology Department. “Now that we are at harvest and spray programs may be halted or reduced, powdery mildew will likely be popping up.  As mentioned previously, we are conducting a survey of fungicide resistance in powdery mildew. We are…

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  • I know each of you get survey fatigue, and I do as well.  I promise this one is really, really short though.  Shane Breeden, working with Cain Hickey and I,  is developing a research program to study current and potential hybrid grapes for utility in Georgia and the Southeast as a whole.  As a starting…

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  • Wasps, hornets, and even bees are opportunistic feeders, and during the mid to late summer they are actively searching for sources of sugars. Once they find sources of sugary foods, they will aggressively forage in those areas and recruit additional workers from the colony. As such, these stinging insects can be a real nuisance in…

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  • Hello everyone, I don’t want to cause any unwarranted panic, but there has been a report of a substantial mite infestation in a vineyard block in North Georgia. Nothing a little miticide can’t handle, but I wanted to remind everyone was aware that mites can be a problem, especially as the weather continues to heat…

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  • We collected our first grape root borer adults today in one of our pheromone traps in White County, Georgia. This means that the adults have started to emerge from the soil out of their pupal stage. For the next few weeks the adults will emerge, mate, and the females will lay their eggs at the…

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