Disease and insect control are critical components of an IPM program for grapes. Vineyard managers ask questions yearly relative how to set up and administer an efficacious program for management of diseases and insects. In these workshops, vineyard managers will be given the skills and confidence needed to develop efficacious spray programs that incorporate resistance management. These trainings will include an overview of major pathogens and insects and critical times for management. Producers will work in small groups with experts to develop example grape spray programs.
Agenda: 9:30 Registration 10:00 Disease management considerations for developing a spray program 10:30 Insect management considerations for spray program development 11:00 Group work 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Group work 2:00 Group presentations 3:00 Wrap up and final questions with experts Workshop dates, registration contacts and locations are below (maximum of 20 participants per location, so sign up early to ensure a spot): Paula Burke at 770-836-8546 or pjburke@uga.edu March 3, 2020 UGA Extension Carroll County Office 900 Newnan Road, Carrollton, GA (lunch provided on site) Clark McAllister and Nathan Eason at 706-265-2442 or clarkmac@uga.edu March 5, 2020 Lumpkin County Parks and Recreation Building 365 Riley Rd, Dahlonega, GA (lunch provided on site) Ashley Hoppers at 706-632-3061 or 706-645-4426 or aahoppers@uga.edu March 17, 2020 Cartecay Vineyards 5704 Clear Creek Rd, Ellijay GA (lunch provided on site)