The UGA Extension Viticulture Blog is administrated by Sarah Lowder, Extension Viticulturist, in the University of Georgia Horticulture Department.
The UGA Extension Viticulture Blog works as follows: Every new post will have a timestamp and author, and will appear at
Each post will also have at least one assigned Category (“Newsletters”, “Events”, Management Guidelines”, “Bunch Grapes”, and/or “Muscadine Grapes”). Posts can be accessed under the “Categories” dropdown which can be found at the right side bar of the blog. For example, a post about measures to effectively control late-season fungal rots in bunch grapes will appear in the “Blog,” but may also be found by selecting “Bunch Grapes” under “Categories.” Similarly, a post with an attachment or link to a pest management guideline for muscadine grapes will appear in the “Blog,” but may also be found by selecting “Management Guidelines” and/or “Muscadine Grapes” under “Categories.”
Blog activity is maintained by The UGA Extension Viticulture Team, a team of individuals with extension appointments within the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Names, titles, and blog roles of all team members can be found under the “Extension Personnel” tab.
The UGA Extension Viticulture Team’s mission is as follows: To educate, inform, and conduct applied research that will support and positively impact the fast growing grape/wine industry in the state of Georgia, but also neighboring southeastern US regions. The UGA Extension Viticulture Team partially fulfills this mission through this blog, which will permit registrants to access timely viticultural and pest management information. Adoption of these management strategies will result in: (1) improved grape and wine quality (2) improved vineyard health and sustainability, and (3) success of both new and established vineyard and winery enterprises.