Pest management Guidelines
Hello everyone, I know it is a busy time for you are, so I will make this quick. With grape root borer adult activity coming to a close here in Georgia, I wanted to get your input on this tricky pest. Below is a link to a short questionnaire about grape root borer management. If…
We collected our first grape root borer adults today in one of our pheromone traps in Lumpkin County, Georgia. This means that the adults have started to emerge from the soil out of their pupal stage. For the next few weeks the adults will emerge, mate, and the females will lay their eggs at the…
I just wanted to alert everyone that spotted wing drosophila (SWD) management timing is approaching soon. The SWD flies are active nearly year round in these parts, but near veraison as the brix levels in wine grapes reach approximately 15 degrees Brix, the grapes become attractive (and thus susceptible) to SWD. While infestation of wine…
Paula Burke has alerted me that the Japanese beetles are starting to show up in West GA vineyards. They are only just beginning to emerge, so their numbers will increase dramatically over the next few weeks. In large enough numbers, Japanese beetles can be a severe pest of grapes during the summer, feeding mainly on…
Please see these links for a list of management considerations for bunch grape and muscadine vineyards. These were developed by Mark Hoffmann and other NC State Extension Specialists.
We are involved with a group of scientists who are reviewing several aspects of grape disease management, especially powdery mildew management (the FRAME Network). If you have time, the FRAME Network wants to hear how you approach disease management decisions. If you are a grape grower, or a consultant for grape production, please take the…
It’s really not news that the use of glyphosate has been a controversial issue as of late. Regardless of position on this issue, it is a fact that many use this chemical in our grape industry as well as in other agricultural industries. Wayne Mitchem, our UGA Extension vineyard and orchard weed management specialist, wanted…
I observed significant Pierce’s disease and downy mildew yesterday, and both diseases are starting to show up in multiple northern Georgia locations now. As I was looking at plants, I realized that one can confuse early downy mildew and Pierce’s disease if one is not careful. If plants have confirmed Pierce’s disease, they should be…
I just wanted to alert everyone that spotted wing drosophila (SWD) management timing is once again upon us. The SWD flies are active nearly year round in these parts, but as the brix levels in wine grapes reach approximately 15 degrees Brix, the grapes become attractive (and thus susceptible) to SWD. We are currently only…
As vines enter veraison, there is a shift in resource (nutrients, carbon) allocation from the canopy toward the ripening fruit. The result is can be a manifestation of nutritional and systemic disease (viral, bacterial) symptoms in canopies of deficient and/or infected vines. Please be on the look out for symptomatic vines as you scout your…