Yesterday was the demonstration of the trunk injection of a bacteriophage product registered for control of Pierce’s disease. Clark MacAllister was able to coordinate the company representatives to visit for the demonstration.
For those of you unable to make it out, yesterday, I took some videos of the injection process and recorded some questions (and answers) that you may have below. Reach out if you have more questions!
Q: So, this can cure my vines from Pierce’s Disease?
A: The XylPhi-PD is best used either as a treatment for early–stage disease development or as a preventative treatment.
Q: How often would I need to apply this product?
A: While this will depend on disease pressure, the company generally recommends 2 or 3 applications per season, with the first applied around bloom and each of the following 6-8 weeks following. For a mature, double-cordon vine, each vine would have two applications at the base of the trunk and one in the base of each cordon (for four total per vine).
Q: Can I use this now?
A: This product is now registered for application in Georgia (as well as AL, FL, NC, TN, VA in the southeast) with leasing options for the trunk injection equipment.