Bunch Grapes
Hello everyone, I know it is a busy time for you are, so I will make this quick. With grape root borer adult activity coming to a close here in Georgia, I wanted to get your input on this tricky pest. Below is a link to a short questionnaire about grape root borer management. If…
We collected our first grape root borer adults today in one of our pheromone traps in Lumpkin County, Georgia. This means that the adults have started to emerge from the soil out of their pupal stage. For the next few weeks the adults will emerge, mate, and the females will lay their eggs at the…
I just wanted to alert everyone that spotted wing drosophila (SWD) management timing is approaching soon. The SWD flies are active nearly year round in these parts, but near veraison as the brix levels in wine grapes reach approximately 15 degrees Brix, the grapes become attractive (and thus susceptible) to SWD. While infestation of wine…
Many of the fungicides utilized for Botrytis management are no longer efficacious due to resistance development in this fungus. Now is a great time to collect Botrytis samples for fungicide-resistance testing. While the funds last, Botrytis resistance testing is free for wine grape producers in most of the Southeast (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina,…
Posted in: Bunch Grapes -
Paula Burke has alerted me that the Japanese beetles are starting to show up in West GA vineyards. They are only just beginning to emerge, so their numbers will increase dramatically over the next few weeks. In large enough numbers, Japanese beetles can be a severe pest of grapes during the summer, feeding mainly on…
It has been a difficult start to the year for many. Frost has been persistent in this relatively “early” growing season. The most recent frost events have occurred late enough that tissues likely would have been damaged if a frost occurred on a similar calendar date in several previous seasons. On March 5, a blog…
Please see these links for a list of management considerations for bunch grape and muscadine vineyards. These were developed by Mark Hoffmann and other NC State Extension Specialists. https://grapes.ces.ncsu.edu/2020/03/bunch-grape-vineyard-covid-19-chores-march-april/ https://grapes.ces.ncsu.edu/2020/03/muscadine-covid-19-chores-march-april-2020/
Our annual pruning workshop was held yesterday. As a review for those in attendance, and as a reference for those unable to attend, here is UGA Extension Bulletin 1505, “Dormant Spur and Cane Pruning Bunch Grapevines”: https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/B%201505_2.PDF Muscadine pruning was also briefly discussed at the workshop. Here is a link from NC State to…
A colleague forwarded me the following learning opportunities in viticulture and enology, as particularly related to Bordeaux cultivars. Given that some Bordeaux cultivars are widely planted throughout the southeastern US, these “short courses” may be of interest to some UGA Extension Viticulture Blog subscribers. Bordeaux Sciences Agro has created short courses in English for…