The UGA Extension Viticulture Team is kicking off the New Year with another opportunity for vineyard managers to attend an interactive training focused on disease and insect control, both of which are critical components of an IPM program for grapes.
On February 23, vineyard managers will have the opportunity to work with UGA Extension specialists and agents to develop an efficacious spray program that incorporates resistance management. The workshop will begin with an overview of major pathogens and insects and their associated critical times for management. Vineyard managers will then break out into groups with experts to develop their own example grape spray programs.
The workshop is free to attend and will be hosted in the downstairs community room at the Gilmer County Public Library from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Pesticide recertification credits will be available and lunch will be provided. Due to the interactive nature of this workshop, the class size will be limited to 20 participants. Pre-registration is required to attend.
Questions? Please, contact Extension agents: Ashley Hoppers, Gilmer- Fannin County Extension or Jacob Williams, Union-Towns Extension