
  • As the brix levels in the grapes continue to rise, the attractiveness of the fruit to spotted wing drosophila (SWD) also increases. We are currently only catching a few SWD in our monitoring traps, but this is expected to drastically increase in the next few weeks. And since SWD is associated with sour rot and…

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  • Grape root borer – REMINDER

    We are still detecting grape root borer adults in north Georgia. This means that the adults are still active, with females potentially still laying eggs. While we are getting a little late for chemical control, if you have more than 35 days before harvest, you can use Lorsban 4E* (chlorpyrifos).This is currently the only insecticide registered…

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  • We collected our first grape root borer adults today in one of our pheromone traps in north Georgia. This means that the adults have started to emerge from the soil out of their pupal stage. For the next few weeks the adults will emerge, mate, and the females will lay their eggs at the base…

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  • Preparation for grape root borer

    We are within a few weeks of the anticipated initial emergence of grape root borer (GRB) adults here in Georgia. If you are planning on implementing mating disruption as a management tactic for GRB and you haven’t deployed your pheromone dispensers/ties, now is the time to get those distributed.  If you are unfamiliar with grape…

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  • The time is upon us once again. Japanese beetles have been documented in vineyards in western GA. They are only just beginning to emerge, so their numbers will increase dramatically over the next few weeks. In large enough numbers, Japanese beetles can be a severe pest of grapes during the summer, feeding mainly on foliage…

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  • Spotted Wing Drosophila Webinar

    Concerned about spotted wing drosophila and want to learn more about their control? The national research team will be presenting a webinar series on on Feb. 23, 2018, from 12 to 1 p.m. The webinar will include an overview of spotted wing drosophila research, an update on the native biocontrol agents that have been found in surveys at…

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  • Spotted wing drosophila management

    As a follow up to Phil’s earlier post about managing sour rot and spotted wing drosophila (SWD), I just want to mention that grapes are now becoming attractive to SWD, so if you have had issues with SWD and/or sour rot in the past, now is the time to start considering management options. The research…

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  • With veraison upon us, I just wanted to remind everyone about the continued threat from Japanese beetles. The adult beetles feed on the soft leaf tissue between veins, which often results in a skeletonized appearance. Below are images from Petit Verdot that Cain observed recently in Virginia that have been severely fed on by Japanese…

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  • Grape root borer detection

    We collected our first grape root borer adult in one of our pheromone traps in North Georgia. This means that the adults are beginning to emerge from the soil out of their pupal stage. For the next few weeks the adults will emerge, mate, and the females will lay their eggs at the base of…

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  • We had a great meeting last week. As requested, here is a copy of the insect pest control presentation from the mid-season wine grape workshop

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