Paula Burke has alerted me that the Japanese beetles are starting to show up in West GA vineyards. They are only just beginning to emerge, so their numbers will increase dramatically over the next few weeks. In large enough numbers, Japanese beetles can be a severe pest of grapes during the summer, feeding mainly on…
Wasps, hornets, and even bees are opportunistic feeders, and during the mid to late summer they are actively searching for sources of sugars. Once they find sources of sugary foods, they will aggressively forage in those areas and recruit additional workers from the colony. As such, these stinging insects can be a real nuisance in…
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I just wanted to alert everyone that spotted wing drosophila (SWD) management timing is once again upon us. The SWD flies are active nearly year round in these parts, but as the brix levels in wine grapes reach approximately 15 degrees Brix, the grapes become attractive (and thus susceptible) to SWD. We are currently only…
Good evening everyone, I have another post that may seem scary, but there is no need for panic…yet. As many of you have probably already heard, the spotted lanternfly (SLF) is the latest non-native species to invade the U.S. This insect is not a fly, but is actually a large, brightly colored planthopper, about a…
Hello everyone, I don’t want to cause any unwarranted panic, but there has been a report of a substantial mite infestation in a vineyard block in North Georgia. Nothing a little miticide can’t handle, but I wanted to remind everyone was aware that mites can be a problem, especially as the weather continues to heat…
We collected our first grape root borer adults today in one of our pheromone traps in White County, Georgia. This means that the adults have started to emerge from the soil out of their pupal stage. For the next few weeks the adults will emerge, mate, and the females will lay their eggs at the…
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We are within a few weeks of the anticipated initial emergence of grape root borer (GRB) adults here in Georgia. If you are planning on implementing mating disruption as a management tactic for GRB and you haven’t deployed your pheromone dispensers/ties, now is the time to get those distributed. If you are unfamiliar with grape…
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The time is upon us once again. Japanese beetles are showing up in vineyards around the state. They are only just beginning to emerge, so their numbers will increase dramatically over the next few weeks. In large enough numbers, Japanese beetles can be a severe pest of grapes during the summer, feeding mainly on foliage…
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Hello everyone, I wanted to update you all about what we are seeing in terms of sharpshooters in the vineyards. Right now, one of the most common sharpshooters we are seeing is the “broad-headed sharpshooter” (see image below). It Is similar in size to glassy-winged sharpshooter and at a glance can be mistaken for glassy-winged,…
Thrips are small yellowish-brown insects, approximately 0.04 inch long, with feathery wings. Thrips are generally not a problem for wine grapes, but both western flower thrips and grape thrips are known to cause damage on grapes. Western flower thrips are nearly ubiquitous in the environment,…
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