The NC State Small Fruits Extension Program is organizing an Air-Blast Sprayer Training in a HYBRID format for April 13-14, 2021. The training has been approved for 3 hrs of NC pesticide credits N, O, X. Please register for the training using this link: https://turbomist.com/education/air-blast-sprayer-training/ The instructor will be Wayne Riddle from Turbo Mist. Here the Agenda: April…
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The NC State Small Fruits Extension Program is organizing an Air-Blast Sprayer Training in an HYBRID format April 13-14, 2021. The instructor will be Wayne Riddle from Turbo Mist. Over the last 7 years Wayne has trained under many industry leaders in the AG Industry and has gained a passion for passing on knowledge he has…
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Vineyard Nutrition Survey A multi-institutional research team involved in the HiRes Vineyard Nutrient Management Project seeks to understand current vineyard practices and the technologies that may be used for improving nutrient management practices. They invite all commercial grape growers, consultants, and vineyard management companies from the wine, table, raisin, and juice grape industries across the…
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This four day virtual conference will allow you to hear presentations and speakers from all over the country. You will have the option to join these sessions in real time and engage in Live Q & A via Zoom, or watch the sessions after the event is over. Here is the registration link: https://www.georgiawineproducers.org/event-4214069 Monday, March…
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Dr. Paul Severns and I have a graduate student, Katherine Martin, working on nematodes of wine grapes. We have a quick two-question survey relative rootstocks and scions in Georgia wine grape vineyards. If you have not done so already, please consider filling out this survey. It really is a very quick one, and it will…
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If you were unable to attend the IPM meeting, or if you want to attend again, Clark MacAllister can provide you with a copy of the meeting video. Please contact Clark at clarkmac@uga.edu if interested. He can then provide you a link to download the content.
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See attached for the PowerPoint presentations from our meeting this morning, as well as Brett’s sharpshooter information.
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I am attaching reports from wine grape pathology field trials conducted in 2020. Shane Breeden and Brooke Warres, both graduate students in the UGA Plant Pathology Department, were responsible for generating this data. Three of the trials were conducted at the Blairsville research station, so we need to also thank Ray Covington and his staff…
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Clark MacAllister and other county agents will be hosting a virtual Grape IPM Meeting on 25 February from 9:00 till 11:30. Specialists will update you on new information you will need for the control of diseases, insects and weeds in 2021. You will need to register for this event in order to participate, so pre-register…
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Dr. Paul Severns and I have a graduate student, Katherine Martin, working on nematodes of wine grapes. We have a quick two-question survey relative rootstocks and scions in Georgia wine grape vineyards. Feel free to take the survey, even if you are not in Georgia, but please indicate your county and state also. All responses…
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