Bunch Grapes
There is a big hairy beast starting to show up out there, and unfortunately, it is not Big Foot. We are starting to observe Botrytis in some vineyards, so it is time to scout for this pathogen. Cain Hickey took this photo, and he states the following: “This is a reminder to pay attention to…
As I am writing this, the water is gushing down. Needless to say, we have experienced significant rainfall as of late. When it hasn’t been raining, it has been cloudy and humid. This is “great” fungal disease weather – especially for downy mildew and black rot. With the rain we have been experiencing, contact chemicals…
Japanese beetle season is upon us. These beetles feed on over 300 species of plants including tree fruits, small fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and of course, grapes. Japanese beetles can be a severe pest of grapes during the summer, feeding mainly on foliage and (thankfully) rarely on the berries.
At this stage, most are hopefully finished with shoot thinning and tucking and now are doing some remedial canopy work – such as fruit-zone leafing and canopy hedging. Remember – intensive leaf removal is best done early (i.e. peppercorn to pea size berries at latest) in order to acclimate fruit to the radiation and temperatures…
Posted in: Bunch Grapes -
UGA EXTENSION NEW GRAPE GROWER’S CONFERENCE AUGUST 16, 2017 AT CRANE CREEK VINEYARDS IN YOUNG HARRIS, GA If you are looking to establish vines, just started producing wines, or have an interest in joining the Georgia / southeastern US vineyard and winery industry, please join us at our New Grape Growers Conference on Wednesday, August…
UGA Extension is hosting a mid-season vineyard management workshop at Wolf Mountain Vineyards & Winery in Dahlonega, GA on Wednesday, June 28th from 10:00am – 4:00pm. We will discuss post-veraison considerations for wine grape vineyard management. The schedule is as follows: 10:00- Mid- and late-season canopy and crop load management, canopy scouting, and monitoring ripeness – Cain Hickey, UGA…
In addition to pest management (as recently posted by Nathan), canopy management is an important consideration in the early post-fruit set period. While chemical management is of utmost importance in the humid eastern US, where fungal diseases are pervasive, canopy management is a good supplement as it aids in canopy and fruit-zone drying, spray coverage on fruit, and serves…
Posted in: Bunch Grapes -
With every application of fungicides or insecticides it is crucial to read and comply with the labeled instructions. At the end of each year it should be your goal to have achieved control of your pest and disease problems with as little applied chemicals as possible. Not only does this make sense financially, but applying…
Dear all: The American Society of Enology and Viticulture / Eastern Section Conference has now released its full agenda: https://www.asev-es.org/pdf/2017%20%20Program%20ASEV-ES%20full.pdf This conference will take place in Charlottesville, VA from July 10-12, 2017. As I said in the previous post, it is a great conference for eastern US industry stakeholders to attend due to…
The 42nd American Society of Enology and Viticulture / Eastern Section (ASEV/ES) Conference will be held from July 10-12, 2017 in Charlottesville, VA. Please see details here: https://www.asev-es.org/ The full conference program should be posted in the coming weeks. This conference showcases very applied viticulture and enology research that has been conducted by research/extension…