In Georgia and the Southeast as a whole, we grow vinifera, muscadine and other native grapes, and various hybrids. The acid profiles of these grapes are highly variable, and they will contribute to the quality of wines produced. Dr. Abhinav Mishra (UGA Food Science Department) will be conducting some preliminary experiments to explore the acid profiles of different wine grape varieties — exploring the different amounts and types of acids. He will ferment and age juice/must to make wines and evaluate their volatile aromatic compounds. He needs about one gallon of grape juice/must for the preliminary experiments for each variety he reviews. He indicates that he would like to study vinifera, muscadine and high-acid hybrid varieties of red and white grapes (or as many as possible). Abhinav’s contact information is below, so please respond to him directly if you are interested in participating in this study — providing him with these batch samples of your juice/must. We will soon be starting harvest in some varieties, so please communicate with him in the next couple of weeks if you are interested.

Abhinav Mishra; phone: 706-542-0994;

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