Dear all:
I hope all had an enjoyable and successful culmination to the 2019 vintage. I think most were generally pleased with the weather conditions of 2019, particularly when compared to the last two vintages. Those who planted vineyards this year may have been a little caught off guard by the persistent dry weather – but hopefully those who planted in spring 2019 were able to consistently water to keep the young vines growing without any observed drought stress symptoms.
It has been a while since I have posted. Like those in the industry, we have been extremely busy ourselves since mid-August as we were out and about taking harvest data on our several field research projects throughout the state and region. There really wasn’t too much to address in the post-veraison period except to watch the weather, keep canopies healthy, and monitor maturity so to make judicious harvest decisions. I suspect there will be lots of quality wine coming from the quality fruit produced this year.
The Fall 2019 edition of Small Fruits News contains links to “chores” and considerations for both bunch grape and muscadine stakeholders. These notes should be reviewed and put into action as necessary between the present and over the next few months.
Here is the link to the Fall 2019 edition of Small Fruits News:
Take good care, everyone.