The increased storm activity this afternoon is coming in ahead of a front that is dropping down from the north. I expect stormy weather to continue through Wednesday or maybe Thursday morning and then drop to the south. That should leave northern Georgia and Alabama in cooler and drier air through the weekend, while folks in the southern parts of those states could continue to see wet weather. The dry conditions should continue through Sunday before the front starts moving north again, bringing our typical summer weather back to the area for most of the next week. The long-term forecast indicates our next chance of dry weather is the following weekend, although that is pretty far out so I don’t have a lot of confidence in that.
The tropics continue to be quiet under sinking air and Saharan dust, so no activity is expected for the next five days. A front over the warm Gulf has a slight potential for development, but if it happened it would be a mainly rain event sometime next week, and again, I don’t think that is too likely.