We have had pretty dry weather recently, but the rainfall of late and predictions for more storms next week will increase the likelihood of downy mildew onset — as well as other fungal diseases of wine grapes. We are still within a critical stage for cluster infections by downy mildew and other diseases. Scout aggressively for mildews, particularly downy mildew. If you see downy mildew in your vineyard, pull the trigger on a Ridomil Gold MZ application; in general, you should still be within the preharvest interval for this fungicide at this time. Try to use this fungicide only once per season in an effort to prevent resistance from developing. After the Ridomil Gold MZ application, assuming again that downy mildew is present and rain continues, I would incorporate rotations of the more efficacious fungicides for downy mildew management (Revus, Zampro, Revus Top, Prophyt + Captan, or Prophyt + Ranman, etc.). When conditions are dry, apply fungicides on a 10-14 day schedule; when wet, go to a 7-10 day schedule. Follow all label directions, and contact your local county agent should you have questions relative disease management or any other grape management topics.