Thanks to those who came out to the seasonal vineyard and pest management conference this past Tuesday. It was a great turnout. It was a pleasure to see so many familiar as well as new faces.
Thanks again to our gracious hosts, Gary Engel and his crew at Engelheim Vineyards. Thanks also goes out to all of our wonderful speakers and sponsors.
Here are all the presentations from Tuesday:
Seasonal cultural and canopy management in vineyards 2019
NOTE: In the presentation entitled “Nita Trunk disease app 2019”, Dr. Mizuho Nita presented grower tools (“apps”) to help identify trunk diseases and manage spray schedules, etc. I HIGHLY recommend that all visit and look under “Resources” at the bottom/right side of the page to see if the tools that Mizuho and his team developed would be useful. I think they will be. Go to to learn more about managing your pesticide spray program with an app that helps track pesticide use, rates, dates, etc. and ultimately results in an EPA report.