Our second workshop of the year, a vineyard pest and cultural management workshop, will be held on Wednesday, March 14th, 2018.
The workshop will be held at Stonewall Creek Vineyards (323 Standing Deer Ln, Tiger, GA 30576), and we extend our appreciation in advance to Carla and Carl Fackler and their crew for hosting this workshop.
This workshop will have TWO SESSIONS, and each session will be limited to 20 people. You MUST choose to register for one of the following sessions:
SESSION 1: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
SESSION 2: 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM
The workshop will feature the UGA Viticulture Team’s resident pest management specialists [Dr. Phil Brannen (diseases), Dr. Brett Blaauw (insects), and Mr. Wayne Mitchem (weeds)] and myself (Cain Hickey).
The goal of this workshop is to help attendees develop a sound, phenology- (growing stage-)based vineyard pest and cultural management schedule in order to effectively manage the canopy and pests (disease, insect, and weed) throughout the growing season. Attendees will be given a blank phenology-based template to fill in. Presenters will have the same template in electronic format, and will fill in appropriate, growth stage-specific management strategies throughout the session so that attendees can copy information onto their own physical template. The goal is for attendees to walk away from this workshop with a well-developed spray and management plan, and be well-prepared to manage vineyard canopies and pests throughout the season. This workshop is anticipated to be timely, as bud break will likely occur within a few weeks after this workshop. BE PREPARED!
Lunch will NOT be provided, but there are plenty of eateries within a 10 minute-drive from Stonewall Creek Vineyards – on Highway 441, or downtown, in Clayton, GA.
PLEASE REGISTER BY March 12th, 2018.
To register, please contact John Scaduto (John.Scaduto@uga.edu), Rabun County ANR Extension Agent and workshop co-coordinator. Let he or I (vitis@uga.edu) know if you have questions.
See y’all there,