To all viticulture blog subscribers that are vineyard and winery owners in Georgia:
We will continue the Winegrowers of Georgia Internship Program for the 2018 field season.
For those that have participated in the past, I would encourage you to consider participating again. For those that have not participated in the past, I would encourage you to consider participating and hosting an intern during the summer of 2018.
For those looking for more information, please see this link (which is for UGA students to apply to):
Please note that the student application deadline is February 15, 2018.
This is the same deadline that I would request to receive “intern advertisement flyers” from operations seeking a potential intern. NOTE: this program has a set capacity due to funding availability. Thus, not all vineyards and wineries seeking an intern will necessarily have the opportunity to host an intern.
My goal is to have all intern placements finalized by early March. This gives students and hosts ample time to prepare for the internship. Further, students want to finalize summer plans as early as possible.
What you need to know now:
If interested in hosting an intern at your vineyard and/or winery: put together a flyer briefly describing your operation, the activities in which the intern will be involved, if there is housing available, etc. Make these enticing so the interested students will want to intern at your vineyard and winery. These will be shared with all student applicants to the program. If you need an example flyer, I can provide. Send these to me by February 15, 2018.
If you need more information about this program, or have questions about the logistics of intern placement, then please don’t hesitate to email myself ( or Amanda Stephens, UGA CAES Director of Experiential Learning (
Thank you – Cain